Division for Education Policy (BiPol)
Fields of activity
The Division for Education Policy (abbreviated BiPol) deals with current legal conditions and their improvement. Therefore, core topics of the division include the study contract, the statutes of the FH STP, the HSG, and especially the FHG. The division also maintains communication with the federal representation of the ÖH and formulates statements on draft legislation or participates in statements by the federal representation of the ÖH.
Since the division deals extensively with study law, it is your first point of contact for your concerns and complaints. The division itself is run by students of the FH STP. Therefore, we cannot offer legal advice, but we are happy to share our assessment and refer you to lawyers.
We understand our educational policy mission as a continuous effort on multiple levels. Therefore, we try to influence the examination regulations and statutes of the FH STP, achieve improvements in the study contract, and actively participate in the review of draft legislation. We also try to directly address problems that become known to us through our advisory activities in the curricula.
BiPol thus maintains communication with the faculty, its committees, the federal representation of the ÖH, and especially their lawyers.
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Clemens Jung
Studiengang: Information-Security (noch) und Data Science (ab WS21)
Kommt aus: Baden
eMail Adresse: ds211016@fhstp.ac.at
ÖH seit: JGV seit 17/18
ÖH Funktion/en: Kollegiumsmitglied, FHV-Mandatar, Referent BiPol, STV DIS
„Funfact“: Mitglied im Hackerspace Segmentation Vault und seit kurzem Funkamateur.

Verena Koller
Studiengang: Medientechnik
Kommt aus: der Südoststeiermark
eMail: mt221059@fhstp.ac.at
ÖH seit: Sommer 2023
ÖH Funktion/en: 2. Stellvertretender Vorsitz STV DMDT, SB BiPol
„Funfact“: Ich find mein FH-Bild absolut schrecklich