Here you will find a summary of all the discounts and offers that you can take advantage of with your student ID. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for further collaborations, please get in touch using the contact form or send us an email to
Bind your thesis

You can have your thesis printed and bound by our partner With the code edu-fhstp using your student email (ending you will receive a 10% discount on your order!
Free Theater

Free admission to the theater with your student card! Together with the Landestheater Niederösterreich, we offer you the opportunity to go to the theater performances free of charge. Simply come to the theater on the day of the performance with your student ID. Further information and all conditions can be found here.
Canteen Subsidy

Are you struggling with the canteen prices? Get in touch with us if you have less than €250 a month left for food and secure the canteen subsidy. You can find more information in our article on canteen subsidy.
Center Pharmacy

Students of the St. Pölten UAS receive a 3% discount on purchases at the Center Apotheke upon presentation of their CampusCard.
VHS Language Courses

At the VHS St. Pölten, UAS students can attend language courses at a reduced price of 40€. All other courses can be booked with a 50% discount.
Prerequisite is the presentation of a CampusCard when registering in person, or the use of the campus e-mail when registering electronically.